We are reviewing this policy for its content and how well the school implements it. To share your comments and rate its implementation, click the "Start your review" button. This policy's subtopics are also under review if they have a review button.
We are reviewing this policy for its content and how well the school implements it. To share your comments and rate its implementation, click the "Start your review" button. This policy's subtopics are also under review if they have a review button.
We are reviewing this policy for its content and how well the school implements it. To share your comments and rate its implementation, click the "Start your review" button. This policy's subtopics are also under review if they have a review button.
We are reviewing this policy for its content and how well the school implements it. To share your comments and rate its implementation, click the "Start your review" button. This policy's subtopics are also under review if they have a review button.
We are reviewing this policy for its content and how well the school implements it. To share your comments and rate its implementation, click the "Start your review" button.
We are reviewing this policy for its content and how well the school implements it. To share your comments and rate its implementation, click the "Start your review" button.
We are reviewing this policy for its content and how well the school implements it. To share your comments and rate its implementation, click the "Start your review" button.
We are reviewing this policy for its content and how well the school implements it. To share your comments and rate its implementation, click the "Start your review" button.
We are reviewing this policy for its content and how well the school implements it. To share your comments and rate its implementation, click the "Start your review" button. This policy's subtopics are also under review if they have a review button.
We are reviewing this policy for its content and how well the school implements it. To share your comments and rate its implementation, click the "Start your review" button. This policy's subtopics are also under review if they have a review button.
At St Andrew's College, our approach to cellphones and other personal digital devices supports student engagement and achievement. Personal digital devices include cellphones, which we manage according to government regulations, and other devices such as laptops, tablets, and smartwatches. Devices that are part of a school-approved Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programme have separate conditions for use.
St Andrew's College allows students to bring personal digital devices to school. We recognise that some personal digital devices can be used as a learning tool in the classroom, and teachers may incorporate their use into lessons when appropriate.
If a parent or caregiver needs to contact their child during school hours, they should call the office.
Rules about cellphones and other personal digital devices made by the board of governors are a school bylaw. The board of governors consults with the school community when making or amending bylaws.We discuss school rules about personal digital devices at the beginning of the year, and throughout the year as needed.
A school rule made by the school board is a bylaw. Under the Education and Training Act 2020 (s 126), boards are required to consult with staff, students (as appropriate), and the school community when making or amending rules/bylaws, if the rule is:
made by the board of governors, rector, or other staff member with delegated authority from the board of governorsand
enforced with full compliance in the school, with disciplinary and/or negative consequences for breaching this rule.
School rules that relate to the legal rights of students also require consultation.
The school promotes safe and responsible use of digital technology. Students are required to comply with our digital technology policies and procedures if devices are brought to school. See Digital Technology and Online Safety.
Preparatory school
Students in years 1–6 are not permitted to have a cellphone or smart watch at school.
Students in years 7–8 may be granted a dispensation by the rector due to complicated after school transport arrangements.
Where a student is allowed to have their phone at school, it will be stored at reception for the day.
A student landline is available at reception to contact parents during the day if required.
Further information can be found in the Preparatory School Digital Handbook.
Secondary school
Students are not allowed to access their cellphones during the school day, from 8.25 am–3.20 pm. Students are expected to have their cellphones turned off, and in their bag or locker. The exceptions to this are:
when used in the middle school office to communicate with home, and supervised by a staff member (i.e. the head of middle school, dean, or reception staff)
when used to assist learning in the classroom, as directed by a teacher
if a cellphone is required in exceptional circumstances, such as monitoring health conditions, etc., with approval from the head of middle school
in the event of an emergency.
Device requirements at school
The school promotes safe and responsible use of digital technology. Students are required to comply with our digital technology policies and procedures if devices are brought to school. See Digital Technology and Online Safety.
If personal digital devices (including cellphones) are brought to school, the following requirements apply:
Students may be able to take devices on EOTC events, but should check with the teacher or person in charge whether the device is allowed before the event starts.
If devices are used for a learning activity, this must be approved and supervised by teaching staff.
Inappropriate use
Inappropriate use of a personal digital device may include:
Online bullying (or "cyberbullying'") and harassment is when digital technology is used to bully or harass. Online bullying and harassment can be anonymous, and can take place on social media, messaging apps, or in other formats. It can take the form of sending messages (email/text/instant), making posts, or publishing content that intends to harm. It may include spreading rumours, and/or sharing private images, screenshots, or personal information without someone's consent. Also see Bullying and Harassment.
sending or sharing inappropriate content
taking photos or videos of other people without their permission.
Inappropriate use of a personal digital device is managed according to the relevant school policy or procedure:
If a student uses a personal digital device inappropriately (including using a cellphone when it is not allowed) the student must hand it to a staff member immediately when asked. If possible, the student should lock their device before handing it to staff. The device will be kept in the office and can be collected by the student at the end of the day.
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